A Story

Everybody has a story.
Not everyone will be interested in that story, but that doesn't mean it isn't interesting. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, (along with a nightly hot bath!). The paper and pen cannot refuse my words, they can't reject the thoughts I impose on them. Nor will they judge for content, or grade for accuracy. It is safe. There are so many times when it is necessary to be safe while being "real", and recording the "real" on paper validates the experiences. We were created to be relational beings, who desire to be known, and valued, and thereby, validated. So, I extend the invitation to "Life Lines", with the sincerest hope you'll share a sense of camaraderie, be entertained,and best of all, be inspired because...everybody has a story! <3

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning

The thoughts had no sooner formed in my mind when "bam" the need that prompted the thoughts was met! Now I find myself thinking "feast or famine", that's just how it always seems to go. I said I needed time "off", to get things done around the house, to make some calls on friends, to express some creativity, to rest, to do something fun and adventurous. Well my schedule has cleared making way for the opportunities to do what I wished, and coupled with the clear schedule will be my "clear" bank account, clear of deposits! No work for a few days, not the kind that provides a paycheck anyway!

It's Spring, almost, and as is true each year about this time, I start feeling the need to purge. Out with clutter, in with sparse; out with messy, in with orderly; out with the unused, unwanted, no room for "stuff" that accumulates bit by bit when not given priority of attention. Time to clean under, on top of, behind and in all the "nooks and cranny's". Time to scrub the grout, touch up the paint, wash the windows, and get in the corners. I can imagine it now, all done, standing back looking appreciatively at the results of my best effort, really loving my little dwelling, my humble abode, my home sweet home, my little corner of the world. It feels so good to have everything in place, and "just so". As soon as I wake in the morning my feet are going to hit the floor and I'll be off and running like a white tornado, I've got it all planned.

I hear tomorrow will be a bright sunshiny day, perfect for... perfect for... perfect for some time at the beach! Sorry, humble sweet dwelling corner, friends rest creativity fun and adventure are calling my name too, you'll have to wait your turn!

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January in Virginia

January in Virginia