A Story

Everybody has a story.
Not everyone will be interested in that story, but that doesn't mean it isn't interesting. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, (along with a nightly hot bath!). The paper and pen cannot refuse my words, they can't reject the thoughts I impose on them. Nor will they judge for content, or grade for accuracy. It is safe. There are so many times when it is necessary to be safe while being "real", and recording the "real" on paper validates the experiences. We were created to be relational beings, who desire to be known, and valued, and thereby, validated. So, I extend the invitation to "Life Lines", with the sincerest hope you'll share a sense of camaraderie, be entertained,and best of all, be inspired because...everybody has a story! <3

Friday, April 9, 2010

Life of Larry

It's amazing how quickly life changes, takes turns in directions you didn't expect, or maybe did expect...later. Some changes have a specifically allotted time, some take what seems like forever, some come in an entirely different form than expected, some are waited for but just don't come at all. Some change life so dramatically that it never again looks the same as it did before the change.
And so another year with all of it's life changes has receded into the history of the "life of Larry". As the 29th year introduces itself it seems natural and fitting to look back at the 28th. It has indeed been a year of great changes! Just 365 days which together don't seem like so much, especially when 1 particular day is actually the highlight of the 365, 1 seems even less significant, however, 1 day is all it took to forever chart a new course in the "life of Larry". In one brief moment Larry went from a status of extinction to legacy.
In his 28th year he became a Dad! I always told him he'd be a great father one day, that was the one thing I could clearly see for him in the future, you know like artistic, athletic, musically inclined, techy, comedic, like those qualities, a great father just shined bright for Larry's future.
He always smiles, in fact his mouth is so typically curved up in a toothy smile, and he gets so carried away enthusiastically describing whatever is his topic, that the open curvature creates the perfect escape for big boy drool! Just like when he was a little boy! I'm certain he practiced smiling in the womb because he sure entered the world that way. He put smiles on the faces of those he smiled at because he was just so stinkin' smiley one could not help but be drawn in and smile back and even linger in the presence of the smiling one! His smile was just always there. And there you'll find it still.
His patience seems to be un-ending. I cannot recall ever seeing him flustered, (well, maybe once or twice, but no more!), excited yes, very much so, but never at wits end! Maybe it isn't possible to lose patience when your mouth curves decidedly upward. Maybe that curve is the outward evidence of an inward characteristic trait that makes patience come so naturally to him, a characteristic that eludes most of us, uniquely given to a chosen few who are entrusted to use it for enhancing the lives of all they are joined to, and we the "lucky" enhanced.
Year 28 was eventful, memorable, and life changing. Year 29 will be too. There are many "firsts" to be experienced with your new son, just as already have been. Year 29 is the last stop on the 20 something route. The next birthday will mark another new beginning, who knows what these days will hold, what surprises are ahead waiting for you to catch up to them, patiently, for all good things are worth the wait! Patience on your part because it's your nature, and because you have no choice in the timing, you will approach them, recognize them, claim them as yours, and climb aboard for the ride those surprises will take you on. As I watch you board this the 29th year ride of surprises, I can see you waving delightedly, anticipating those changes and firsts, and even lasts, that are all just a part of the ride, the best ride in the greatest show on earth, the "life of Larry". You're waving and of course, you're smiling...and I'm smiling!

Love you lots L.T., Happy 29th!


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