A Story

Everybody has a story.
Not everyone will be interested in that story, but that doesn't mean it isn't interesting. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, (along with a nightly hot bath!). The paper and pen cannot refuse my words, they can't reject the thoughts I impose on them. Nor will they judge for content, or grade for accuracy. It is safe. There are so many times when it is necessary to be safe while being "real", and recording the "real" on paper validates the experiences. We were created to be relational beings, who desire to be known, and valued, and thereby, validated. So, I extend the invitation to "Life Lines", with the sincerest hope you'll share a sense of camaraderie, be entertained,and best of all, be inspired because...everybody has a story! <3

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Two Hundred Thirty Four

In just a couple hours July 3rd will end for the year 2010, and at the very next moment July 4th, the United States of America's 234th birthday celebration, will begin. Even as I type these words I hear the cracks and booms of distant fireworks ignited by anxious celebrators.
I'm glad the 4th of July is on a Sunday this year, this year more than most of the previous I am deeply moved with love for this great country and gratitude to have been born here, to have the opportunity to live the best life possible, better by far, than if I'd been born anywhere else on the earth, or at any other time. Sunday means I'll begin it with a few moments in church, recognizing who we are, our foundation, our heritage, our constitution, founding fathers, what it all means and how it is a Blessing that God has allotted us, not because we "deserve" it more than anyone else, but instead because those men, way back when, knew the value of keeping God in! We'll sing the patriotic songs that make me cry, every time, as I think about the privilege it is to be an American. We'll be reminded of the many who have given up or put on hold, their own dreams, for the good of the whole. We will applaud the soldiers who currently serve, even if only their loved ones ears can hear it, they too make a sacrifice. The day will begin with a reminder of the reason for the celebration, it's the perfect start!
A little later in the day we'll do what Americans do best, gather together with family and friends, put a couple burgers on the bar-b, and finally, converge with thousands of others who wait with anticipation of a grand fireworks display fit to make the crowd oooh and ahhh and cheer and applaud when the grand finale's last light sparkles and last "bomb bursts". Every one will bid goodnight as we head for our own homes, a bit tired from the days festivities. Once home I'll sink into a tub of hot water that feels especially relaxing and soothing, I'll probably spend a few minutes on the computer, maybe read a little, until I'm drowsy and need to shut my eyes. I'll snuggle into bed with my head on a soft pillow drifting easily off to comfortable sleep.
All of my days and nights have been lived in comfort, even my worst day is better than the best day for many, many people in much of our world.
This is a country that must be preserved. This is a country that must be protected. This is a country that must be defended. There is no more new land to be inhabited by pilgrims for the sake of a better life for themselves and their families. This is it. If we do not take seriously our responsibility to preserve, protect and defend what we have, it will be taken, it will even be given away. What then of freedom? What then of opportunity? I don't really want to find out the answer to these questions.
I am spoiled. I have taken for granted, that what I have will be here for me tomorrow. I have neglected to be thankful for it, choosing instead to complain about what I don't have, or what the people of my country don't do right. I have been self serving trying to figure out how to better my life and the lives of my family. My my my, mine mine mine, me me me. Why? Because I can. Because I have been afforded the liberty and freedom to do so, simple as that. This is where God put me, and when He put me here. And this is why I will keep Him in the pledge of allegiance. I will pick up stray coins and appreciate the phrase "in God we trust" stamped into them. I will sing the national anthem with my hand on my heart even if I alone in the crowd am singing. I stand in awe of row upon row of white crosses at Arlington national cemetery, and I bow in humbled reverence to the cross of Calvary. There is no separation of church and state, there never was, and for me never will be. My unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is God given.
When I look up at the flag on the pole in my front yard, at the stars and stripes against the ever changing skies, and think of what it stands for, I am both humbled and proud. I know beyond any shadow of doubt that God has blessed America. I wish to be an American worthy of this great blessing.
Happy 234th Birthday America!

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