A Story

Everybody has a story.
Not everyone will be interested in that story, but that doesn't mean it isn't interesting. Writing has always been therapeutic for me, (along with a nightly hot bath!). The paper and pen cannot refuse my words, they can't reject the thoughts I impose on them. Nor will they judge for content, or grade for accuracy. It is safe. There are so many times when it is necessary to be safe while being "real", and recording the "real" on paper validates the experiences. We were created to be relational beings, who desire to be known, and valued, and thereby, validated. So, I extend the invitation to "Life Lines", with the sincerest hope you'll share a sense of camaraderie, be entertained,and best of all, be inspired because...everybody has a story! <3

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Broken Beautiful

It just seemed the right thing to do on a hot sunny Sunday afternoon, knowing a new week would begin in a few short hours. So I tacked my hair up in a knot and clips, a new up-do that my daughter showed me and thankfully works very well, put on a loose sleeveless dress, grabbed my draw-string bag for collecting, and headed off to the beach. 

It was a beach I had not visited in a while so I was surprised to see it under construction, not realizing that of course until after I was parked. As far as could be seen in either direction was a large pipe and heavy equipment operating even on this Sunday afternoon. Well, I thought, I have a good parking spot right across from a beach entrance and I am not going to be run off easily. Some doubts nagged as to how great an experience this particular beach outing could be, what with this unsightly monstrosity of a pipe running its length. 

To create in me even more doubt for the beach outing’s success, a stiff sea-wind threatened my up-do as soon as I stepped out of the car. I hope my dress doesn’t fly up I thought, followed by, well if it does I will still be clothed more than the majority of others here.

 I persisted, knowing full well that it is an almost unheard of occurrence that a day at the beach might be anything but enjoyable. 

The sand was dotted with shells, and people. The ocean rushed, white tipped waves each hastily chased the one before. The wind was noisy and blew stinging sand against my legs. Not to be defeated, I just accepted it as a natural exfoliant. 

The shoreline was completely void of shells and sea glass, what I most like to search as I beach, but further back from the edge previous waves had left some chunks and broken bits that I couldn’t help but wish were whole. Considering the size of the unusually large fragments I was finding, they must have once been some very impressive shells. I quickly decided they would be my collection for the day since they seemed to be plentiful, and would most likely be passed over by typical collectors preferring the unbroken, unblemished specimens. 

These were the beach underdogs and I made it my mission to credit them for the beauty they possessed, just as they were. Sure, they were not as they started out, and no longer as they were intended to be. Somehow they had been tossed, tumbled, crashed and broken in the surf-life of the sea, yet they possessed a beauty all their own. I decided they were the broken beautiful. 

Breaking bared their inner construction, perfectly formed secret spirals revealed through jagged windows of bits missing from their sides. Some appeared as though they had been sliced in half, and some were only the innermost spirals having every bit of their outer shell beaten away. 

Perfectly flawless shells not battered by tides, retain their secrets. We can only imagine what they are like inside. These broken ones however, are tattle tales spilling out all the secrets of shell life. See, come see, there is so much more to us. They silently beckon, come look. I do. 

True, the battering breaks, but without the breaking inner beauty remains concealed, even wasted. It does seem a shame, because the broken cannot be unbroken. Ah, but even though noticeably broken, and only by it, does the shell’s inner beauty get to be appreciated and valued. 

Without the tumbling turbulence there would be only those that look good on the outside, never letting on to the secrets of the equally lovely inside.The outside is good, but why settle for only what is on the surface? There is more, much more, dig a little deeper. Some beauty must be excavated and mined. That it is not at first visible, does not mean it is not there, and because what is first visible is beautiful, does not mean that is all there is to it. The best may yet need to be found. If you stop there, on the surface, you cannot know what you are missing. And missing it, well that is just not a good option.

Never believe that breaking strips away all of the beauty, and never quit searching for surprises that can only be found in the broken beautiful.


Polished as can be
the outermost layer, me
Distinguishing, each feature
creates a unique picture
Yet disguising the within
lest delving deeper begins
Discovering more to me
than what is initially seen
I am rather like the shells
though few will ever tell
that in breaking it’s revealed
what the surface would conceal
This then the challenge for you,
 to chisel a window’s view
of where the secrets lead
introducing the truest me

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January in Virginia

January in Virginia